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Fermín J. Serna - About...
My Photo Fermin J. Serna is a Computer Science Engineer graduated at the UCM, and currently works for Google at the Mountain View (California) offices as a Information Security Engineer at the (ISE) team. Previously he has worked for Microsoft at the MSRC Engineering team.

Fermin has lots of things that attract his attention, mainly security ones such as exploitation techniques, fuzzing, binary static analysis, reverse engineering, coding... but also Artificial Intelligence, chess...

Fermin has found and published multiple security vulnerabilities on software developed by Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Oracle, ... Fermin is also a regular speaker at security conferences such as BlackHat, Syscan, Bluehat, H2HC, Rootecon, DeepSec, Source, Summercon, ...

You can contact him by:

My gpg public key: zhodiac.asc.